Hi Hans,
according to the wiki, and the current code, the arguments to \installprettytype should be uppercased. E.g.:
\installprettytype [PHP] [PHP] because want uppercase
\startTEX \stopTEX
Well, those would be coming from the first argument of definetyping. AFAIU, neither argument to installprettytype is related to these commands.
\definetyping[PHP] [option=PHP]
indeed. as i don't like casing in filenames, and function names Agreed, me neither.
actually, the advice is that user definitions use uppercase
etc, just to avoid clashes with built in commands That makes sense for commands, which is not what I'm proposing to change. I would propose making it look like the following:
\installprettytype [php] [php] \definetyping [PHP] [option=php] Here, the second "php" refers to "pret-php.lua", the first and last "php" refer to each other and to the "php" in newvisualizer("php"). The command defined is still \startPHP, but now the values that refer to other lowercase things (filename, pretty printer name) are lowercase consistently. How's this? Gr. Matthijs