Dear Knights, A lot of the criticism seems to miss the point :-) Part of the aim of the Book is to bring in new users, most of us here already know what we're doing. And M$-Windows dominates the marketplace for better or for worse. I want to break out of the usual paradigm of presenting TeX and try something new and fresh. I want to give ConTeXt to my (or your) secretary, not just to geeks like most of us. I want to get them rolling as smoothly as possible. Telling a total newbie to go find one's own editor is not going to expand the ConTeXt ecosystem very efficiently. As I said, the Book will not be "tied" to an editor. But I will use one as a way of easing the way for the maximum number of total non-geeks to get involved with ConTeXt. That's part of the vision I have. To realize that vision, at this point I need some help writing and compiling lexer code, which I really don't want to have to learn to do myself; I simply don't have the time and would rather concentrate my skills more efficiently. I hope one of you out there will help me :-):-):-) Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shīʿī Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523