fonts > names > globbing path 'c:/windows/fonts/**.ttf'
fonts > names > identifying system font files with suffix 'TTF'
mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1>Exit code: 1
It seems to me that there is a problem to make a font db. Try “mtxrun unbatang.ttf” in the terminal to see if it locates the unbatang.ttf file. If it doesn’t locate it, then “sudo mtxrun —generate” in the terminal and try “mtxrun unbatang.ttf” once more. If you don’t get any output, you need to create the font db. Because of some Korean fonts in the system font files(Window system), it can not create font db. It is reported in the Q&A in KTUG with the solution. Please search using the key word “LuaLaTeX”. I hope that you have the solution. Best regards, Dalyoung