On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Kevin D. Robbins wrote:
With the following versions of ConTeXt, LuaTeX, and t-bib:
MTXrun | main context file: /opt/context/beta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.tex MTXrun | current version: 2009.04.21 16:11 This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.0-2009042222 luatex.web >= v2344 %D \module %D [ file=t-bib, %D version=2009.04.17,
Using the following in a file named bibliography.bib:
@TechReport{WhoAmI2009, author = {Who Am I}, title = {Foo, Bar, Baz}, institution = {Boo}, year = {2009}, number = {42}, month = {January} }
With the following as my test file:
\usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database=./bibliography] \setuppublications[sorttype=bbl,criterium=all] \setuppublications[numbering=short,autohang=yes,refcommand=key]
\starttext \input knuth \cite[WhoAmI2009] \stoptext
This works fine here. I have the same setup as you have.
Sorry, I have the same error here. Missed a comma while reformatting your example. Taco, here is a (slightly smaller) minimal example: \usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database=./bibliography] \setuppublications[refcommand=key] \starttext \cite[WhoAmI2009] \placepublications \stoptext with bibliography.bib \usemodule[bib] \setupbibtex[database=./bibliography] \setuppublications[refcommand=key] \starttext \input knuth \cite[WhoAmI2009] \placepublications \stoptext I get the same error as Kevin: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> ... [\bibrefprefix ][\sectionseparator ] \expanded ...\long \xdef \@@expanded {\noexpand #1 }\@@expanded \preparebibreflist ...refix ][\sectionseparator ]} \storeitem \gotobiblink ...brefprefix \preparebibreflist {#2} \global \bibreffoundfalse ... \next1 #1,->\dobibkeyref {#1} \doprocesscommaitem \doprocesscommalist ...item \gobbleoneargument #1, ]\relax \global \advance \... ... l.7 Aditya