Wolfgang, The infformation you supplied is much appreciated. It makes using Context that much more convenient. Thank you. Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I am creating smalled sized page samples and want to visually compare them on a single sheet of paper stock. I am using \setuparrange to gather t he typeset pages onto a single sheet of paper.
Half of the pages are displayed upside down, which is what is supposed to happen, but I'd like to have it so that all pages are right side up to e nable visual comparison of all pages in one orientation.
The below minimal example shous a base example where two of the four pa ges come out upside down, as they shoud.
%-------------------------------- start \definepapersize[tinypage] [width3D91mm, height3D55mm] \setuppapersize [tinypage][A4] \setuparranging[1*4] % 1 sheet 4 pages
You have to use the E2809CXYE2809D arrangement, the number of rows and columns could be set with the \setuppaper command.
\setuppaper[nx3D2,ny3D2] \setuparranging[XY]