... I meant: maybe this is too old?
c \thisisutilityversion{2003.07.19}
Gerben Wierda
Hans Hagen
wrote: texexec test --pdf --runs=1 copy test.tui 1.tui texexec test --pdf --runs=2 copy test.tui 2.tui texexec test --pdf --runs=3 copy test.tui 3.tui texexec test --pdf copy test.tui n.tui
where do the tui's difer?
They don't. They are all the same. But nevertheless texexec test --pdf ran 8 runs ...
- How do you check that they are the same? (cmp command?)
I opened them and they wrote all the same: c \thisissectionseparator{:} c \thisisutilityversion{2003.07.19} c \thisisbytesequence{} f b {test} f b {PARTS/ONE.tex} f e {PARTS/ONE.tex} f b {PARTS/TWO.tex} f e {PARTS/TWO.tex} c \initializevariable\usedcolorchannels{} f e {test} c \initializevariable\lastpage{1} c \initializevariable\lastpagenumber{1} c \initializevariable\totalnofMPgraphics{0} c \initializevariable\totalnofpositions{0} c \initializevariable\totalnofparbackgrounds{0} c \initializevariable\currentstrategypass{1} Steffen