Good evening, dear ConTeXtists, Mr. Eyre in his conference proceedings paper to be (http://striz9.fame.utb.cz/docasne/bulletin/NEtypo.pdf) applies withdots framing via TikZ as he told me. I passed him one of your ideas (Aditya Mahajan, Wolfgang Schuster) and he slightly extended it using Metapost to fit his examples. I am just sharing it with all the sincere greetings. Pavel Striz http://striz9.fame.utb.cz/docasne/bulletin/framed.pdf http://striz9.fame.utb.cz/docasne/bulletin/framed.tgz a.k.a. \startuniqueMPgraphic{Label} path p; p := (0,0) -- (OverlayWidth,0) -- (OverlayWidth, OverlayHeight) -- (0, OverlayHeight) -- (0,0); draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt dashed withdots; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox OverlayBox; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[Label][\useMPgraphic{Label}] \defineframed[Text][background=Label,frame=off,location=low] \starttext AAA \Text{BBB} CCC \Text{DDD} EEE \def\Picture#1#2#3% {% \vbox to 3in% {% \vfil% \placefigure[left][#3]% {% \hangindent=0.5pt\hangafter=1{}% #2% }% {% \hskip-11pt\hbox to 3in% {% \Text% {% \externalfigure[#1][width=3in]% }% \hss% }% }% }% }% \Picture{Distract.pdf}{Caption}{Refmarker}% \stoptext