Monday, November 11, 2002 Idris S Hamid wrote: ISH> Dear posse, ISH> The itemize environment has a strange feature/bug: (This should answer your "quotation" question too, at least partly) All "blocks" have this bug; IIRC it comes from Hans preference of spacey "readable" sources; this means all \par tokens after a \stop are globbed, and (IIRC) a new paragraph is always started: thus the indentnext option *always* take place. IOW, you cannot have one of these blocks *within* a paragraph. Hans, am I right? Well, if I am, this is absolutely wrong. Presence or absence of \pars before and after should not be ignored, or at least should be made an option. My workaround for now is to use \nulls after \stop... commands, but this is somewhat clunky. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta