Hello, We have a situation where hyphenation is an issue, due to a 2-column layout where the columns are not very wide. We've done a lot of tweaking of settings for hyphenation and interword spacing, and the result seems pretty good. In particular, there are not many cases of consecutive lines that end with hyphens, and not many cases where a hyphenation occurs over a right-hand page break. The few cases that exist, we have been fixing manually by using \hbox{...} to prevent hyphenation at the trouble spot. But the hyphenation is by nature somewhat volatile, so whenever we change something we would like to be able to easily recheck the hyphenation. And our book is over 1200 pages, so it would be very helpful to have tools to make the checking more efficient. One tool we found was the "evince" PDF viewer in Linux, which highlights all search results at once. So you can search for "-", and it will highlight all hyphens, which makes it easier to scan the PDF visually for hyphenation problems. Still, this approach has its limitations... our layout domain experts don't have Linux machines, and I haven't found a PDF viewer for Windows that can highlight all search results at once. Another approach we wondered about was having TeX highlight the hyphenations... e.g. changed the background color to yellow or red, when outputting a word that's dynamically broken/hyphenated. (Rather like we have TeX output red grid lines to help with debugging layout.) I think we would also want to highlight static hyphens that occur at the end of a line, as in "Niger- Congo," because they have a similar visual impact. Possibly using a different color. This would be an ideal solution, I think, but we don't know how to have TeX detect when a word gets dynamically hyphenated. Another possibility we've looked into is using javascript in Adobe Reader to find and highlight end-of-line (and end-of-page) hyphens. But this approach has proved more difficult than expected... the API and the DOM are complex, and I haven't figured out yet how to access the text of the document to search for hyphens. (The "search" method seems to just go to the first or next occurence, and highlight only one occurrence at a time.) Thanks for any help, Lars