On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 13:23:28 +0100
Wolfgang Schuster
You can use the boffset key to set a different offset value for the bottom of the cell.
The correct the position of the frame at the bottom you can use metapost to draw the frame as background graphic.
Thanks Wolfgang. boffset (or toffset) works to offset the text in an individual cell. But when using background=color,backgroundcolor=lightgray (for example), this offset of course gets colored. I now have tried \bTABLE [option=stretch, background=color, backgroundcolor=middlegray, columndistance=.25em, frame=off] ... \bTR [topframe=on,framecolor=white,rulethickness=.25em] ... \eTR ... \eTABLE with success. Note, however, if I move the settings to \bTABLE [framecolor=white,rulethickness=.25em,...] this will then interfere and wipe-out the columndistance=.25em setting! I can get it to work (with a subtly different result) if I use: \bTABLE [rulethickness=.25em,columndistance=.5em] ... \bTR [topframe=on,framecolor=white] ... \eTR ... \eTABLE and this makes sense (since the calculation of cell widths must take into account all of rulethickness, offset, and columndistance) but it is somewhat counter-intuitive. I'll wiki-fy this... Alan