Yesterday I installed a new LMTX instance ex nihilo. Unfortunately, the new instance will not load my typescripts. My several commercial fonts and the typescripts I wrote for them reside in the texmf-project tree, along with a style file that loads them. I load the style file in my source files with the \environment command.
The files in texmf-project are properly indexed. I know this, because the style file's name appears in the log, because I can list the fonts with mtxrun --script fonts --list --files --all --pattern=Dolly*, and because he style file evokes \showframe and \showgrid; the result of which I see in the typeset results.
Regardless of whether a typescript files, e.g. type-DollyPro.tex, is in the texmf-tree or in the same directory as the ConTeXt source file, evoking \usetypescriptfile[type-DollyPro] fails. The log says:
fonts > typescripts > unknown library 'DollyPro'
fonts > typescripts > unknown library 'DollyPro'
However, including the typescripts in the ConTeXt source file succeeds; which would seem to imply that my typescript definitions are correct.
Using an old instance: LMTX LuaTeX 2.03 20191227 + ConTeXt MkIV 2019.12.27 19:26, loading the typescript via the style file works as expected.
I regret that my mwe remains academic, since you need the Dolly font to run it.
Any encouragement in how to resolve this would be much appreciated.