1 Mar
1 Mar
6:47 p.m.
Am 01.03.10 18:32, schrieb gummybears:
At saptarshi
With MK-II the formula numbers came out (1.1.1), (1.1.2), numbered by section.
Chapter 1, section 1, formula 1 -> (1.1.1) Chapter 1, section 1, formula 2 -> (1.1.2)
The above is what I want.
Now in MK-IV they come out numbered like Chapter 1, section 1, formula 1 -> (1.1) Chapter 1, section 1, formula 2 -> (1.2)
This is not numbered by section but by chapter, as you confirmed.
The problem still persists. \setupformulas[numbercolor=blue,numberstyle=bold,prefixsegments=1:100,way=bysection]