Maybe the ConTeXt community can be of assistance to the LuaTeX bunch ... As a new LuaTeX user, I came across the following problem: Using Lua(La)TeX, customized kerning of letter pairs (via the FeatureFile capability of fontspec) is ignored when it coincides with a possible hyphenation of a word (e.g. between 'f' and 'h' in German words like 'aufhalten'; see first minimal example below). Ulrike Fischer was so kind to point out two things (http://tug.org/pipermail/luatex/2011-February/002569.html): First, the problem seems to be the break points between the adjusted kerning pairs. Second, ConTeXt seems to handle this case correctly (see second minimal example below; feature file bonum.fea from first example required). I am no expert in neither LuaTeX nor context, but Ulrike suggested I post here and ask if the (typographically correct) ConTeXt behavior or solution can be reproduced with Lua(La)TeX. Thanks, - Till 1. Lua(La)TeX \begin{filecontents*}{bonum.fea} languagesystem DFLT dflt; languagesystem latn dflt; feature kern { pos f h 100; } kern; \end{filecontents*} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[FeatureFile=bonum.fea]{TeX Gyre Bonum} \begin{document} fh aufhalten \end{document} 2. ConTeXt \mainlanguage [de] \definefontfeature[test][featurefile=bonum,kern=yes] \definefont[test][name:texgyrebonum*test] \starttext \test fh aufhalten \stoptext