On 10/10/07, plink wrote:
on debian testing this small file
\startitemize[n] \item one \item two \stopitemize
\startitemize[n,continue] \item three \stopitemize
gives an itemization that starts at zero, plus the continue does not work either (context version: 2007.09.28 16:52 (/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/context.tex)).
Any hints or preliminary solutions greatly appreciated.
Don't ask me how that was possible. I tried that example and it works fine. Last time (Thread "nesting \startitemize", 3 days ago) I had those problems as well, but nobody else has complained about it, so I have never mentioned it. Weird. I have no time to test at the moment, but there seem to have been problems with this for some time already. See also: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.context/36285 Also, in past, people reported many problem with "itemization starts with 0 when in dvi mode". Mojca