Hi, No there is no reason to be shy! - Context has become THE tool for all typesetting purposes. So in my environment letters, invoices, addres-labels, envelop-printing, greetingcards etc are made up in Context together with functionality provided by Metafun. A favorite issue is making flowcharts for e.g. bookbinding guides, meatprocessing or visualization of the production of a tool. Next to all this I write my own books which are completely made up in Context including imposition of the pages for folding sections in order to end up with sewn books. E.g I prepared a 600 pages book which includes over a 120 drawings and metapost-figures. This book is bound as a girdle-book. - Whenever I am asked to give a presentation there is Context involved. - Why? Just because I know I can achieve what I want! Though there is sometimes a bit of hassle after all the changes in the tex-tree occuring during time, Context is still the best environment I have ever tried. Many thanks Hans for this great environment! Willi Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hi all,
For the next issue of the ntg's Maps journal, Hans and I believe it would be nice to publish the collected responses to this simple question:
What do you do with ConTeXT?
We think it would be nice to see all the various ways in which people experience ConTeXt. We are not looking for articles, in fact we really want just a small amount of text per user, nothing longer then you would normally type in an email message.
One, perhaps two paragraphs that simply tell about your personal experience using (or playing with) (or fighting with) (or yelling at) (or staring at in bewilderment) (or revelling in) (or running away from) ConTeXt.
If you like this idea, just reply to this message. I will then collect and merge the responses, and finally put a pdf on-line somewhere.
Don't be shy!
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