7 Jan
7 Jan
6:45 p.m.
Dear All, I used to write \goto{\externalfigure[cuteimage]}[program(file.ext)] to get an image, that, when clicked, will open an application that will open file.ext. This currently still works on my Mac (10.8) with the TeXShop preview and with Skim. I does not work anymore with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat now asks permission, but doesn't do anything when granted. Even worse, on another Mac with an older OS, Skim didn't open the hyperlink either. On Windows, I couldn't find any program that would do the job, by I don't know much about that part of the world. Is there anything that has changed recently in the way these kind of hyperlinks must be written? (I use MkII) Thanks, Matthias