Hi all, While my other files process normally, others don't anymore. Find relevant snippets from the log file below. The problem begins arising here: (D:\tex\texmf\tex\context\base\spec-fdf.tex ! Undefined control sequence. l.3282 \loadmarkfile{spec-fdf} Does anyone have a solution? Kind regards! Robert This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.6-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.5) (preloaded format=cont-en 2006.11.27) 4 MAR 2007 16:56 entering extended mode **facturen.tex \emergencyend specials : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded system : facturen.top loaded (D:\MO_Perspectief\facturen\facturen.top specials : loading definition file tpd (D:\tex\texmf\tex\context\base\spec-tpd.tex specials : loading definition file fdf (D:\tex\texmf\tex\context\base\spec-fdf.tex ! Undefined control sequence. l.3282 \loadmarkfile {spec-fdf} ? ) specials : fdf loaded ! Undefined control sequence. l.468 \definefilechecker {tpd}{pdf}{\dogetTPDfiguresize} ? ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \@@DriverImageFile \doifelsenothing #1->\edef \!!stringa {#1 }\ifx \!!stringa \empty \expandafte... \doiffileexistselse #1->\doifelsenothing {#1} {\secondoftwoarguments } {\imm... \doifvalidpdfimagefileelse #1->\doiffileelse {#1} {\edef \filesuffix {#1}\do... \dogetTPDfiguresize ...ileelse \@@DriverImageFile {\ifvoid \foundexternalfig... l.468 ...filechecker{tpd}{pdf}{\dogetTPDfiguresize }