On 8/27/07, Liesbeth van der Plas
Really!. That's really a disadvantage of Latex! I thought Knuth's primitives plus macro's were together 'plain tex' and thus untouched in both Context and Latex.
No -- in some cases there are real conflicts, but in this case, you might get away with just pasting lines 598--632 from plain.tex, bracketed with \makeatletter and \makeatother (which will also be needed around your table). \documentclass{minimal} \makeatletter \newif\ifus@ \newif\if@cr [...] \box\z@} \makeatother \begin{document} \input tufte \makeatletter $$\vbox{\settabs 3\columns \+This is&a srange&example \cr \+of displayed&three-column&format.\cr}$$ \makeatother \end{document}
Thanks for your help. The reason to write a booklet in Latex instead of in context was that I wanted to use some amstex macro's. Is it possible to use amstex in context as well?
What part of amstex? The math-ams module defines characters, but
I'm not sure
about some of the advanced layout stuff.
George N. White III