In this country, and perhaps elsewhere, the front matter in a technical book will have two tables of contents, one listing just major titles (e.g., just chapters and titles or just parts, chapters and titles) followed by another one that lists sections also. Using mkiv I came up with this: \startmakeup \setupcombinedlist[content][list={chapter}] \placelist[content] \stopmakeup \startmakeup \setupcombinedlist[content][list={chapter,section}] \completecontent[content] \stopmakeup \startmakeup \null \stopmakeup I get no results at all, just blank pages. Any suggestions? -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: http://wexfordpress.net/shortlist.html Updated PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus 1.4.5" coming soon at http://www.booklocker.com/!