The appearance of a gap before the letter T has nothing to do with kerning
per se, but with my use of smallcaps and kerning.
I solved my problem by defining a font feature and applying it with the
\setff command as described on the wiki.
\setuplayout[header=0pt, footer=0pt]
\definefontfeature[smallcapitals] [smcp=yes]
\startsubject[title={Properties of Blood}]
\startsubject[title={Properties of Blood}]
\startsubject[title={Properties of Blood}]
On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Michael Guravage
I am trying to use kerning in subject titles. \kernchracters works pretty good, but as you can see in the attached example, there is a gap before the Ts in Properties, and again in Praefatio and Praefationis. The \stretched command yields similar results, vis-à-vis the gaps.
If somebody can enlighten me how to properly use kerning in this situation, I'd be immeasurably grateful.