Joel via ntg-context schrieb am 29.01.2022 um 15:46:
I am finishing the final touches on a manuscript, which I hope to send to a publisher later today and noticed this problem where bold and italic text isn't rendered at the same time.
I am using the EB Garamond font in my document. I set it up exactly as shown below. Strangely, bold works, italics works, but when bold and italics are together, it only display in italics, it doesn't display a bold italic text. I've confirmed the `EBGaramond-BoldItalic.otf` font is present and seems just fine. I've also tried by just using the default ConTeXt font and the error still appears, also in live.contextgarden.net. I tried searching the mailing list, as this seems like something that must have come up, but couldn't find any question about this.
Why won't it render both?
See Adams answer.
\starttypescript[serif] [garamond] \definefontsynonym[Serif] [file:~/.fonts/12/EBGaramond-Regular.otf] \definefontsynonym[SerifBold] [file:~/.fonts/12/EBGaramond-Bold.otf] \definefontsynonym[SerifItalic] [file:~/.fonts/12/EBGaramond-Italic.otf] \definefontsynonym[SerifBoldItalic] [file:~/.fonts/12/EBGaramond-BoldItalic.otf] \stoptypescript
Don't use absolute paths in \definefontsynonym, when you use a local folder for your font files set the path with \usefontpath. %%%% begin snippet \usefontpath [~/fonts/12/] \starttypescript [serif] [garamond] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [file:EBGaramond-Regular.otf] ... \stoptypescript %%%% end snippet Wolfgang