Hi Wolfgand, Stopper should place the given text (A) at the end of a numbering e.g. 1.2A -- It looks like that it is not working though. Separator places the given text (B) inbetween numbers like 1B2. This options works. Keep in mind, that this mechanism has changed completely in MKIV! From an earlier mail on this list: \starttext \definestructureconversionset[default] [Character,number,Romannumerals,Character][number] \definestructureseparatorset [default][.,.,--][.] \setupstructurehead[subsection][sectionstopper=),sectionsegments=4:4] \section {One} \subsection[sec:test]{Two} See \in[sec:test] \stoptext Willi On Jan 16, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini wrote:
can anyone explain, what
should do?
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