2007/12/10, Hans Hagen
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Slow is no word for the speed with CJK, I have a document with Adobe Kozuka Minchi and Gothic and run takes up to 3 to 4 minutes.
The same document needs with XeTeX about half a minute and using the same fonts in plain TeX took only a few seconds.
This is really something LuaTeX need to be faster, but it is always faster than using the cwTeX in truetype format with pdfTeX ;-)
it all depends on what's done with the font ...
-- we can only locate a bottleneck when we have the font and a test file -- when you're low on memory, the garbage collector of lua becomes a problem -- dynamic features are faster (less loading)
3-4 minutes ... we use mk.tex as test doc, and that one loads cjk as well as zapfino and arab ... runtime on my machine is 15-20 sec, depending on the console used an din bachmode we go under 15 seconds (140 page document)
so, what kind of machine do you run luatex on?
I run LuaTeX on a songle core pentium M with 1.7 GHz and 512 MB ram, I made now a smell test file and the problem the speed with this file is not so bad, the compile time increases with every \switchtobodyfont in my document and not every of them can be replaced. Wolfgang