On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:42 PM,
OK. Removed quotes, so texmfstart.bat now reads:
@echo off ruby "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\scripts\context\ruby\texmfstart.rb" %*
This now works:
$ C:\temp>texmfstart texexec --help TeXExec | version 6.2.0 - 1997-2006 - PRAGMA ADE/POD
However, I cannot make the formats. Going to Miktex 2.7->Settings->Formats, attempting to build cont-en results in, even though I've copied cont-en.ini into the directory expected by Miktex 2.7.
Creating the cont-en.pdftex format file... Running pdftex... This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.4 (MiKTeX 2.7) (INITEX)
entering extended mode
("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\context\config\cont-en.ini")
! Emergency stop.
<*> cont-en.ini
No pages of output.
Transcript written on cont-en.log.
makefmt: pdftex failed on cont-en.ini. initexmf.EXE: The operation failed for some reason.
Can you please check/compare the values with the sones below? I did not put any ini file anywhere, though I had some issues with formats (restarting the program helped). http://wiki.contextgarden.net/MikTeX#Make_formats Make formats * Go to Start Menu -> MikTeX 2.7 -> Settings -> Formats -> New ... Format key: ConTeXt (could be anything) Format name: cont-en (could be anything) Compiler: pdftex Input file name: cont-en.tex Description: ConTeXt format (could be anything) (uncheck) Exclude this format ... * Choose the newly created format and Build it. * For mptopdf uncheck the box for excluding as well. Mojca