On Thu, 2020-11-19 at 11:25 +0100, mf wrote:
Il 19/11/20 10:39, Johann Birnick ha scritto:
I want to setup some fancy theorem style for my math notes. For this I want to have a colored margin line next to my theorems. It should look like this:
The line should stretch over the whole theorem, not just the first line. (But the latter would be a beginning, though.)
Important to note is that the line should be *on the margin*, not in the text.
So do you have an idea on how I could do that? I would greatly appreciate your answer. Thank you!
Look for \startsidebar \stopsidebar and \setupsidebar.
\setupsidebar [...,...] [..,..=..,..] 1 2 OPT 1 NAME 2 rulethickness = DIMENSION rulecolor = COLOR alternative = NUMBER topoffset = DIMENSION bottomoffset = DIMENSION distance = DIMENSION leftmargindistance = DIMENSION level = NUMBER
Thank you! I have two more questions: 1. Where can I find a documentation for this command? Even Google finds nothing. 2. Unfortunately, adding \startsidebar and \stopsidebar into the `before` and `after` options of my enumeration messes up whitespace at the end. Here is a screenshot: https://s12.directupload.net/images/201120/lfmwp5lh.png The theorem is a normal enumeration. Like this: \defineenumeration[Theorem][before=\startsidebar, after=stopsidebar] I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you! Johann