On 02/11/2016 19:39, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Tue, 1 Nov 2016, Nicola wrote:
I have updated the Vim page at ConTeXt Garden:
It may be considered as the official documentation of the ConTeXt scripts in Vim, as the only other documentation is the source code
Hi Nicola,
I wonder if you have seen my vim runtime files: https://github.com/adityam/vim-context
Unfortunately not, I worked only on those already in Vim.
The main file to look at is the syntax highlighting file. I haven't compared carefully with your version (haven't installed vim 8 yet), but there are a few differences. It may be worthwhile to merge the two syntax files.
Ok, I will take a look. I see that your file does not depend on plaintex.vim. It might be a good idea to remove that dependency...
The metapost syntax highlighting file defines a few keywords that are used by metafun. Could these be merged to your mp syntax highlighting file?
The syntax scripts in Vim already cover all of MetaFun. MetaFun keywords are highlighted by default inside ConTeXt documents; for MetaPost files ('mp' filetype), you must put let g:mp_metafun_macros = 1 into your vimrc.
The indent file is adapted from (I think) latex-suite's indent file with modificiations that suit my taste. I am not sure these should go into the default vim indent file, but it may be worthwhile for you to take a quick look.
MetaPost indentation is tough. I have rewritten the indent script in Vim from scratch, and now it works reasonably well. I will try yours, but you might try the one currently in Vim, too.
The ftplugin file mainly contains shortcuts like `a expand to α, etc; again, adapted from latex-suite (which in-turn borred the idea from auctex). These depend on a ftplugin file provided by latex-suite. There were also a few macros to reflow text, but your code is more robust and has more features.
The compiler file is old and I haven't tested it in a few years, so
I will look into those, too. Do you know that Vim has built-in support for digraphs (:h digraphs)? For example, α can be obtained by typing <c-k>a* in Insert mode. please
ignore it.
OK. I could maybe create a GitHub repository, to make it easier to merge your work. Nicola