Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
I've been debugging this, and the reason for the thing not coming up for parts after the first is that when resetnumber=no the current level is not properly detected: in one case you get
\currentlevel ->:1
in the other
\currentlevel ->:2:2:4:2
Which is obviously wrong. Indeed, the problem is here:
\listentry{part}{1}{1}{Introduction}{2::1:0:0:0:0:0:0::7}{8} \listentry{chapter}{2}{1}{Presentation}{2::1:1:0:0:0:0:0::8}{9} \listentry{section}{3}{1.1}{History and motivation}{2::1:1:1:0:0:0:0::8}{9} \listentry{chapter}{11}{2}{The basics}{2::1:2:0:0:0:0:0::12}{13} \listentry{section}{12}{2.1}{Notation}{2::1:2:1:0:0:0:0::12}{13} (more stuff) \listentry{subsection}{78}{2.4.2}{Scaling the coordinate system}{2::1:2:4:2:0:0:0::31}{32} \listentry{part}{79}{2}{Mathematical tools}{2::2:2:4:2:0:0:0::34}{35} \listentry{chapter}{82}{3}{B�zier cubic analysis}{2::2:3:0:0:0:0:0::35}{36}
OOOPSIE! Since resetnumber=no, the listentry keeps the old settings for chapter, section & the like. This is obviously wrong. Even if the number is not reset, the sectionformat *must* be reset, since at the beginning of the new higher section(level) you are not in the previous one anymore. So for example when starting a new part (with resetnumber=no), and until the first chapter of the new part is started we are in chapter 0 for that part, not in chapter 'last-chapter-from-previous-part'.
Can this be fixed?
sure, but i need a small test file -) Hans