20 Mar
20 Mar
6:59 p.m.
Am 20.03.2012 um 17:45 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 20.03.2012 um 17:35 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
Am 20.03.2012 um 14:42 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
You have to enable you own command with “rule=command” but then you have to set rulecolor and rule thickness in your own definition (best us \blackrule for this).
instead of
hm ... this logic I didn't not yet internalize.
You have to tell context it should use your own rule instead of the default rule, it’s like “alternative=command” for other setups.
Sure, I know what you mean. But nevertheless, isn't that already implied if I use "rulecommand=\MyRule"? To me this already means exactly this: "tell context it should use my rule". Steffen