Hi. Recently I have tried to support typesetting UTF-8 Korean language along with context-beta. I have uploaded related files to a temporary server for your reference (3.5Mb): But as the current unic-cjk.tex does not cover Korean Hangul Syllables area and CJK Compatibility Ideographs area, I have to edit that file every time I upgrade context. It is so an annoying thing to do it every time that I suggest adding those areas in unic-cjk.tex file, like this: %%% Hangul Syllables \dostepwiserecurse{172}{215}{1}{\expanded{\defineunicodecommand {\recurselevel}} {\lookaheaduchar}} %%% CJK Compatibility Ideographs \dostepwiserecurse{249}{250}{1}{\expanded{\defineunicodecommand {\recurselevel}} {\lookaheaduchar}} Additionally, I here report some possible bugs of context-beta related to CJK (especially Korean language) support. First, unintended space is inserted when I change font family. This disappears if I add a comment sign in \enableunicodefont command in font-uni.tex. \def\enableunicodefont#1% {\definefontsynonym[\s!Unicode][\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!file}]% \def\unicodescale {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!scale}}% \def\unicodeheight {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!height}}% \def\unicodedepth {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!depth}}% \def\unicodedigits {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!conversion}}% \def\handleunicodeglyph {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!command}}% \doifnot\currentregime{utf}{\enableregime[unicode]}% % the following \relax's are realy needed \doifvalue{\??uc#1\c!interlinespace}\v!yes \setupinterlinespace\relax \doifvalue{\??uc#1\c!strut}\v!yes {\setunicodestrut\unicodeheight\unicodedepth}% <- HERE {\resetunicodestrut}% \getvalue{\??uc#1\c!commands}\relax} Secondly, to deal with special commands in pdf bookmarks, "\simplifycommands" should be added to \sanitizePDFuniencoding command in spec-tst.tex. \long\def\sanitizePDFuniencoding#1\to#2% {\enablePDFunicrlf \simplifycommands % <- HERE \let\unicodechar\relax % prevent further expansion \retainlccodes\lccode32=255 % slooow \lowercasestring\PDFunicodetrigger#1\to#2% \edef#2{\expandafter\doPDFuni#2\empty\empty}} % slooow Thirdly, "\definefileinsertion{tpd}{mps}" in spec-dpx.tex seems to be a typo. I think this should be corrected as follows: \definefileinsertion{dpx}{mps} In fact, as an unsubscribed user I have posted a similar message to the context mailinglist a few weeks ago . But I did not obtain any response then. Now being subscribed, I repost it. Best Regards, -- Dohyun Kim http://people.ktug.or.kr/~nomos/