On Sat 12 Mar 2011, C. wrote:
2) why they my be reluctant to install the minimals? Because they already have it in miktex, texlive. What they don't know is that these versions are outdated and due to the heavy development pretty far behind. Plus, it should say "Context Standalone" because that is what it is.
I think "Context Standalone" would be a good name: as I understand it, "minimals" refers to the fact that it doesn't include other TeX formats and associated baggage; "standalone" conveys the same idea with less ambiguity, and hints at the fact that it won't interfere with your system's package manager.
3) how to restructure the garden to make things clearer for newcomers? I for one would welcome to see more guides like the "titles" guide.
Agreed. I've been learning Python matplotlib at the same time as ConTeXt, and find that the quickest way is to pick an example plot from the (extensive) gallery that looks similar to what I want, then progressively modify the source code into what I need. A similar collection of common use-cases for ConTeXt would be great for beginners, I think.
5) how to better promote context to new/latex users? I don't know.
Someone above suggested packaging layouts to approximate the standard LaTeX look, and I too think that this would help. Not that I find the standard LaTeX look very pretty, but familiarity is a powerful force... Pont