Am 13.07.2011 um 07:15 schrieb Andreas Richter:
Using ConTeXt, I would like to define environments to appear like
---------------------------------------------- Theorem 1.4 (Pythagoras) In any right triangle, $c^2 = a^2 + b^2$ holds where ... ----------------------------------------------
--- Example 1.1 ------------------- Let $a=2$ ... -----------------------------------
and (e. g. small, slanted or whatever)
Remark 1.3 ---------- | Euclidean ... | ... .
After browsing the documentation on the web, focussing on \defineenummeration, I'm still nowhere near the solution. Could anyone please give examples of how to do this?
You can change the style, color and spacing with \setupenumerations but for the rules etc. you need other commands. \defineenumeration[theorem][text=Theorem,title=yes] \defineenumeration[example][text=Example] \defineenumeration[remark] [text=Remark] \setupenumerations [theorem] [ before={\startframedtext[frame=off,topframe=on,bottomframe=on,width=broad,offset=.5ex]}, after=\stopframedtext, inbetween={\blank[small]}] \setupenumerations [example] [ command=\textrule, after=\textrule, inbetween={\blank[nowhite]}] \setupenumerations [remark] [style=italic] \starttext \starttheorem{Pythagoras} In any right triangle, $c^2 = a^2 + b^2$ holds where … \stoptheorem \startexample Let $a=2$ ... \stopexample \startremark Euclidean ... \stopremark \stoptext Wolfgang