Am Donnerstag, 1. August 2024, 16:13:23 MESZ schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Gerion Entrup schrieb am 01.08.2024 um 14:28:
I want to make a two sided document with margin notes. The notes should not be hyphenated and always aligned to the inner text body. However, I did not get this to work. It hyphenates and the alignment is only correct at even pages.
Do you know the correct way?
Here is a MWE: ``` \setuppagenumbering[location={footer, right}, alternative=doublesided]
\definealign[myalign][inner, nothyphenated] \setupmargindata[inmargin][ location=outer, style=italic, % nothing of that seems to have any effect % align=myalign, % align=inner, % align=nothyphentated, align={inner, nothyphentated}, ]
Use \setupmarginframed for the alignment.
\setupmarginframed [inmargin] [align={inner,nothyphenated}]
Does the align parameter of \setupmargindata has any function, then? Also, using setupmarginframed leads to other problems: - The margin text is bold now(?) - All margin nodes are on the left of the page now (this should be only the case for even pages) I tested with (and Hans' patch): ``` \setuppagenumbering[location={footer, right}, alternative=doublesided] % \definealign[myalign][inner, nothyphenated] \setupmarginframed[inmargin][ location=outer, style=italic, % align=myalign, % align=inner, % align=nothyphentated, align={inner, nothyphentated}, ] \starttext \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \inmargin{significant incredible components}\input knuth \stoptext ```