Dear Listmembers, Is there a command or work-around in ConTeXt that's comparable to Plain TeX's \vfootnote, to generate a footnote without a reference mark in the text? I found options for marks with numbers, Roman numerals, and letters (cont-enp.pdf, p. 83/99) but nothing for an invisible mark. I apologize for what might be a very obvious question, but I don't find an answer in the manual nor via a Google advanced search of the Pragma-ADE domain. I checked the archives and found a discussion from last February in which Idris Hamid asked about changing symbol options, to which Hans Hagen helpfully responded with a sample set-up: \setupfootnotes [conversion=HowAboutIt] \defineconversion [HowAboutIt] [One,Two,Three] I tried substituting both \null and {} for the "One,Two,Three" but neither worked. There was also some discussion of a proposed command \setupfootnotemarker early and late last year, but I wasn't clear on whether or how it had been implemented. I've also been following the French hyphenation thread with some interest; my outputs of all the samples posted so far (with TeXShop 1.34) have unfortunately displayed <A-macron><copyright symbol> for the original <e-aigue>, and the word at the line end doesn't hyphenate (the console reports an overfull \hbox, as I would expect). I'm very new to *TeX, have always worked with Macs (since OS 7.1), and have essentially no Unix experience, so answers that assume wholesale ignorance will be best appreciated and understood. :-) Thanks very much! John -- *** John McChesney-Young ** panis@pacbell.net ** Berkeley, California, U.S.A. ***