Am 07.10.2014 um 21:22 schrieb Otared Kavian
You are right, it seems that there is a trailing « else » somewhere in the sources… Actually the possible keys for « alternative= » are
alternative=paragraph normal inmargin margin middle top bottom IDENTIFIER
and the following works fine also:
\setuphead[chapter] [number=no, alternative=middle] \starttext \startchapter[title=TITLE] \input knuth.tex \stopchapter \stoptext
However, saying
\setuphead[chapter] [alternative=middle]
gives the wrong result you mentioned, suggesting that there is somewhere an « else » which shouldn’t be there. Maybe Hans H. with the above informations can nail it down?
strc-ren.mkiv \startsetups[\??headrenderings:\v!middle] \vbox { \headsetupspacing \veryraggedcenter \let\\\endgraf \let\crlf\endgraf \ifconditional\headshownumber \strut \headnumbercontent \par - else + \else \fakeheadnumbercontent % will also be done in the other ones (force consistency with numbered) \fi \begstrut \headtextcontent \endstrut } \stopsetups Wolfgang