On Tue, 26 Feb 2013 08:18:25 +0100
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 26.02.2013 um 00:00 schrieb john Culleton
: Some time back Wolfgang advised me to use statements like this: \definefont [titlefont][MyriadPro-Bold*default at 70bp]
I cannot find what the *default parameter does. Can someone educate me?
When you use a font in MkIV you have to specify which features of the font should be enabled/disabled, to do this you define first a list for them with the \definefontfeature command, e.g.
For the main fonts in the document which are loaded with \setupbodyfont these settings are applied in the typescripts, e.g.
but when you load a single font with \definefont you apply the list as argument to the font name after the asterisk.
When you want only a bigger version of the serif or sans version of your document you can say \definefont[SansBold at 70bp] without applying the list of features because the are already set in the typescripts.
Is there a document or documents whare all this knowledge is dispensed? I hesitate to trouble you with a string of questions, one by one. Right now the two critical files are: \input formatting.tex ----------------------------------------------- \usemodule [simplefonts] \definefont [titlefont][MyriadPro-Bold*default at 70bp] \definefont [subtitle][MyriadPro-Bold*default at 25bp] \definefont [gauthor][MinionPro-Regular*default at 25bp] ----------------------------------------------- followed by: \input title.tex --------------------------------------------- \startstandardmakeup[align=middle] \startstyle[titlefont] Classic COBOL \stopstyle \vfil \style[subtitle]{A Concise Guide} \vfil \null \vfil \style[gauthor]{John Culleton} \vfil \style[subtitle]{Wexford Press} \stopstandardmakeup -------------------------------- And the error messages indicate that MKIV cannot find those otf files but they exist in /usr/share/fonts/OTF. The run completes but other fonts and sizes are used for the title page. -- John Culleton Wexford Press