On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 11:03:05 +0200, luigi scarso <luigi.scarso@gmail.com> wrote:
\def\GG{\ifmmode G_G\else$\GG$\fi}
means "define the macro \GG as G_G if mmmod is true,
else as \GG "
It's clear that you always are in a situation where mmod is true, then \GG
is replaced with G_G
Well, I intended "replaced with $G_G$",
not "replaced with G_G";
so I thought this would force/ensure math mode and thus prevent infinite recursion.
but as soon as you fall into "mmod not true" then you have infinite
Also, my observation was that my original macro worked well when called for TeX code (at various places of use:
\GG $\GG$
\sym{\GG} \GG
\sym{$\GG$} $\GG$
\sym{\m{\GG}} \m{\GG}
\item End
but stopped working when called from Lua (?!).