On 09/06/10 15:15, Andreas Schneider wrote:
luigi scarso wrote:
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Taco Hoekwater
wrote: At least it seems ok now in a fresh install. I just did one of those, and there is only one thing that I noticed: I had to run 'texexec --make en' by hand. I don't know if that is normal?
Everything else seems to work fine.
Not here on my linux 32 bit box :
MTXrun | run: mktexlsr sh: mktexlsr: not found
/opt/luatex/minimals-beta-2010/bin/mtxrun:9270: cannot open tree:////opt/luatex/minimals-beta-2010/tex/texmf-project/: No such file or directory but texmf-project exists
Same here, but it can be "easily" circumvented by sourcing setuptex first. (in my case: source tex/setuptex&& sh first-setup.sh)
But the stubs, or mtxrun, or whatever handles that usually indeed doesn't seem to set paths correctly anymore. On Windows I could have texworks just call context.exe and everything worked, now I have to make sure, setuptex.bat was executed first.
Seems I spoke too soon: I can indeed get hold of the latest version, but if I want an older version (like --context=2010.06.24), I run into the same problem as luigi. And I do want an older version, since for some reason the kerning is a bit screwed up on current. -- Michael Murphy