Am 07.10.2014 um 09:20 schrieb Hans Hagen
On 10/7/2014 7:33 AM, Mikael P. Sundqvist wrote:
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 11:32 PM, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: \setupmathradical[alternative=default]
Very good!
Hans, will the default be default in next beta? :)
no, but there will be different settings ... the problem with fractions and radicals and their mixing is that we have to (somehow) deal with unpredictable math styles (and esp in radicals there are fuzzy concepts like 'the surrounding style is used' while inside a different one is used (all a side effect of parsing first and generating next) the way I look at it one should the use a look forward parsing and clean up or look backward. or look backward. It depends how much of the parse tree you keep before generating an entity!
anyway, the next release will have a split setup for display and inline and (hopefully) work as intended (the major bottleneck is not the radical but \text and it's kind o ftricky to get both of them okay at the same time)
and of course we also want the plugins (mp) and coloring and so working