22 Jan
22 Jan
7:40 a.m.
I don't know ... if the old version has it too then nothing changed I guess.
\setvariables [otftracker] [direction=-1, sample=لا, title=Test, font=file:arabtype, % font=file:husayni, % font=file:scheherazaderegot, features=arabic]
Arabtype is the only one that has the 'rlig' for that combination. So, more info is needed about what should trigger this ligature replacemnt.
Thanks. I am not sure, what you mean. Until now everything worked fine, context has to read only the Unicode (like "Lam-Alif" is) and to use the set arabic font. Until today that worked perfectly, with "Lam-Alif", too. Does my above code compiles correctly the ligature in your system? Huseyin