17 Jan
17 Jan
12:38 p.m.
Hello, I want to have 10mm space between rim of the paper and beginig of the text. This is my layout: \definelayout[normal][ bottompace=0mm, footerheight=6mm, footerdistance=0mm, bottomdistance=0mm, bottomspace=0mm, topdistance=0mm, topspace=0mm, headerheight=60mm, headerdistance=0mm, leftedgewidth=0mm, leftmargin=10mm, leftedgedistance=0mm, leftmargindistance=0mm, backspace=10mm, rightedge=0mm, rightmargin=10mm, cutspace=0mm, rightmargindistance=0mm, rightedgedistance=0mm, width=277mm, height=210mm ] \setuplayout[normal] After printing is space in left 10mm, but space between top rim of the paper and top text is 14mm. Why is that? How to setup my layout to have exactly 10 mm both in top and in left?