Am 20.10.2014 um 13:32 schrieb Jeong Dal
: Hi,
I tested the following simple code to generate enlarging circles as a test of animation. But it just draw 5 circles in a row.
\usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start] \startbuffer[Circles] numeric u; u:= 1cm; draw fullcircle scaled \MPrawvar{Circles}{s}u; \stopbuffer \starttext \startanimation { \dorecurse{5}{% \setupMPvariables[Circles][s=\recurselevel] \processMPbuffer [Circles] }} \stopanimation \stoptext
It seems to me that \startanimation just treat the figures {\dorecurse … } as just one figure.
Is there a way to treat it 5 figures to generate animation?
Thank you for reading.
1. You have to expand the \recurselevel value. 2. Don’t put braces around \dorecurse because when \startanimation sees a opening braces it assumes you want to put each frame into a group of braces. Variant 1: \usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start] \startbuffer[Circles] numeric u; u:= 1cm; draw fullcircle scaled \MPrawvar{Circles}{s}u; \stopbuffer \starttext \startanimation \dorecurse{5} {\startexpanded \startframe \setupMPvariables[Circles][s=\recurselevel] \processMPbuffer [Circles] \stopframe \stopexpanded} \stopanimation \stoptext Variant 2: \usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start] \startuseMPgraphic{Circles}{s} numeric u; u:= 1cm; draw fullcircle scaled \MPvar{s}u; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \startanimation \dorecurse{5} {\startexpanded \frame{\useMPgraphic{Circles}{s=\recurselevel}}% \stopexpanded} \stopanimation \stoptext Wolfgang