Hi, in MkIV hz is bound to the found (thus the speed increase). Now, how do I assign different degrees of hz to different areas? Say, moderate hz in the normal text and more drastic in controlled situation, like this: % main text: \setupbodyfont[postscript,10pt] \setupalign[block,hanging,hz] % and in controlled situation: \setupwhatever[align=hzXXL,style=...] This doesn't work: fonts.expansions.classes['NormalQuality'] = { stretch = 1, shrink = 1, step = .5, vector = 'default', factor = 1 } fonts.expansions.classes['DrasticQuality'] = { stretch = 2, shrink = 2, step = .5, vector = 'default', factor = 1 } \definefontfeature[hz][default] [protrusion=pure,expansion=sstquality,mode=node,script=latn] \definefontfeature[hzXXL][default] [protrusion=pure,expansion=sstquality,mode=node,script=latn] \usetypescript[postscript] \definetypeface[postscript][rm][serif][times][default][features=hz]% <- what to do with hzXXL ??? Steffen