This is a very small cosmetic problem, but it bugs me: I'm preparing a background for a presentation, and I want a frame with a transparent color to appear on every slide, so I define an overlay and use metapost. I also want to frame some text elements, so I use a \framed. The problem is that in the \framed, the lines of the frame overlap at the edges, so with a transparent color, the corners are slightly darker. The minimal example below shows the problem. Any solution? Is it possible to have the frame around \framed drawn by metapost? Thanks! Thomas %%%%% MINIMAL EXAMPLE %%%%%% \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor [MyFrameColor] [b=.55, t=.5, a=1] \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{fancyframe} draw unitsquare xyscaled(8cm,8cm) withpen pencircle scaled 4pt withcolor \MPcolor{MyFrameColor} ; \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{fancyframe} \framed [rulethickness=4pt,framecolor=MyFrameColor,height=8cm,width=8cm]{\strut} \stoptext