On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Mike Bird wrote:
On Wednesday 10 January 2007 01:06, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Can you look through the list archive a bit? There was a thread begin december last year about the exact same topic.
The thread included another possible workaround at: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20061204.095032.227c83ef.en.html - but that lost all the power of setupdelimitedtext.
Can you explain which features of setupdelimitedtext you want. Maybe they can be implemented by copying things to setupnarrower. %----------------------8<--------------------------------- \def\startfootnotequotation {\dosingleempty\dostartfootnotequotation} \long\def\dostartfootnotequotation[#1]#2#3\stopfootnotequotation {\bgroup \par \startnarrower \symbol[leftquotation]% #3\removeunwantedspaces \symbol[rightquotation]% \footnote[#1]{#2} \stopnarrower \par \egroup} \startfootnotequotation[ref]{First Footnote} \input knuth \stopfootnotequotation Knuth said (see \in footnote[ref]) %-------------------------8<--------------------------- Aditya