Hi, Thanks for the different answers. It sure looks very promising…
Beamer like?? No. Much better :)
In all honesty, it is much more limited than Beamer.
actual state, roadmap...
You can follow the code at bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/adityam/complexslides/overview
It still seems to be in a very early stage. But the ideas look very promising.
Thomas and I have been discussing how to modularize the simpleslides module for almost two years now, complex slides incorporates some of those ideas but some details are still missing.
I do use the module for my presentations, but it does not have all the features needed for Thomas's presentations. So, it is in extremely preliminary stage and the interface and the backend are bound to change. It is for that reason that I have not released it. There is no fixed roadmap. This is a very time comsuming project, and Thomas and I work on it when we get some time or an itch to scratch. So, right now there is no roadmap for release.
We will be releasing parts of the module as they are ready. The first part is the visual counter module https://github.com/adityam/visualcounter which is ready to be released one I finish the documentation: https://github.com/adityam/visualcounter/blob/master/visualcounter.tex
I also have a "backgrounds" module in mind, which will be a collection of different frame backgrounds. This can be combined with Wolfgang's annotation module to have a more flexible implementation of the beamer block environment.
Romain Diss