Am Mon, 9 Nov 2015 13:13:12 +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:
In this example there is no kerning and no ligatures in the math:
\starttext WAiff $\mfunction{WAiff}$ \stoptext
This is a different behaviour than with legacy math fonts.
depends what legacy is ...
I meant the fonts you would get with plaintex or pdflatex.
A question about this has been asked some month ago on tex.sx (http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/252493/ligatures-are-not-used-in-open...). The problem (or feature) exist also with xetex.
With luatex one can avoid to loose the kerning by loading as math roman font a font in mode base (http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/277362/lualatex-no-kerning-within-ope..., I have no idea how to do this in context).
Is this a luatex/xetex bug? Or a feature? How could one enable kerning and/or ligatures without going back to base mode?
most math fonts don't have ligatures etc ... in fact, as ligatures are a language/script related feature and math is the script it makes not much sense either
But the plaintex and latex examples on tex.SX don't use a math font for operatornames like \sin or for \mathrm (which seems to be \mfunction in context). It is a text font and it has ligatures and kerning informations, but they are not used in math. Doesn't use context for \mfunction a text font too? I thought so because it has kerning when used outside math: \starttext \mfunction{WAiff} $\mfunction{WAiff}$ \stoptext Also bad kerning in operator names is a nuisance. I don't think that the default result of \definemathcommand[VA][nolop]{\mfunction{VA}} is good looking.
in context you can do:
\setupmathematics [functionstyle=normal]
which will use a box which then will trigger text fonts
Yes, one workaround is to quit math mode. The other to use fonts in mode "base". But I would like to understand why workarounds are needed at all. -- Ulrike Fischer http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/