On Monday, March 19, 2012, at 16:41 Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I'm replying off-list. I think that this might be on the list of forbidden features (one would have to pay to adobe to be able to allow signing document with TeX).
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:27, Andreas Schneider wrote:
since ConTeXt supports form fields in PDFs, I wonder whether the fields for digital signatures are available as well. If not, please consider this a feature request/wish :-)
I'm not sure about it, but I'm tempted to believe that digitally signing PDFs might be one of "forbidden" functionality that requires you to buy a licence for Acrobat. Martin Schröder usually posts this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_LiveCycle_Reader_Extensions
I have found this article, but I'm not sure if it is really legal:
Maybe we need a FAQ entry about PDF features somewhere on wiki (or at any other place).
That's too bad, although I can see Adobe's reasoning. I thought/was hoping that it was a simply not-yet-implemented feature and not something Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader specific. Well, it was worth a shot. Anyway for signing PDFs myself I still use and prefer JSignPDF: http://jsignpdf.sourceforge.net/ That is really neat and supports a lot of very helpful features (like visible signatures). It's just that it isn't a solution for general forms that others should sign, since not all of them are technically versed or willing to install some third party program. That would have been a good use case for ready-made PDF forms with signature fields. Thanks for your answer! -- Best Regards, Andreas