Am 27.05.2011 17:19, schrieb luigi scarso:
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Peter Rolf
wrote: Am 27.05.2011 15:09, schrieb Hartmut Henkel:
@luigi: an ICC profile definitely breaks the <png copy> rules
The only chunks left are
IHDR PNG image header: 5900x4094, 8bits/sample, truecolor, noninterlaced IDAT PNG image data .. IDAT PNG image data IEND end-of-image marker
Mh, where is the show stopper? The compression method?
Looks like some of ConTeXt PDF/X-related settings is causing this. If I reduce the code to the pure picture, the '(PNG copy)' is triggered. Probably the active color management (default color space) is breaking the copy process here.
Sorry Hartmut, my last statement is complete BS. I made a 'blind' run in my lunch break, not inspecting the pdf. And sadly I had forgotten, that I changed the test file yesterday to use a small png test graphic instead of my big png. *brain vs. full stomach: 0:1*
So the PDF/X settings have no influence on this. The big png is not 'copied'. Anyhow, this is not a serious problem and honestly I don't have that much time now. When I have some more time I will use gdb to find the failing condition in writepng.w. Will be interesting, the last time I used gdb is more than 10 years ago. if you have an example with a public png I can take a look...
Thanks Luigi. PM is on its way.