Hi all, Any context users using arch linux out there? I have packaged context-minimals for arch linux. It is basically the first-setup.sh script simplified for arch linux (no platform checking, etc). I also modified the setuptex script to make sure it works in a multiuser environment (basically setting TEXMFCACHE to $HOME/texmf-cache). The PKGBUILD is available at http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=30398 To install packages from AUR, you need to install yaourt http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt and then you can install context using yaourt -S context-minimals-git (the -git extension is just to coax yaourt to keep the downloaded files, so that rsync makes sense). It installs the minimals at /opt/context-minimals Aditya