THAT'S GREAT: Am 22.09.2008 um 21:32 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Ahh, now I see where my problem lays:
\setupfootnotedefinition[before={\color[green]}] test\footnote{test}
Despite the fact that interaction carries its own color, elements can be re-colored by their own color definition (see above). Only the number of the note in front of the footnote text always gets overridden by interaction color!
Because it is overridden by interaction color.
It gets overridden by interaction color because it is overriden by interaction color?
This distinction I didn't expect.
Why should exclusively that poor little number not be allowed to have its own color?
There should be a better way to do this (set interaction color and interaction style of each element separately), but for your case you can use
\setupfootnotedefinition[before={\color[green]}] test\footnote{test}
It's like a game for kids ... "who finds the 10 differences between Aditya's lines and Steffen's lines?" =o) Next try? Volunteers! Who get's the little darkgreen footnote number paint in red ... nobody??? Steffen